02 Sep

Time to Upgrade Your Social Media Profile?

I love an opportunity to see an old friend and former co-worker. So, of course, I was very happy to journey into the city to help a good friend upgrade their social media profile. Although it was a hot afternoon in August, we still had a great time wandering around the Times Square area and finding little spots for backgrounds for these portraits.
My favorite: I just love that my friend and client had a great sense of humor and was willing to pose with Elmo and Cookie Monster, just to give my kids a smile and giggle while I post-processed the session on the computer.
While many of us use Facebook to connect with friends and family, we often turn to LinkedIN and similar social media sites for professional networking. But does your profile picture show the professional you? Whether you are connecting with colleagues, recruiters or your clients, you want your profile photo to convey the right image to the corporate world.
If it’s time to upgrade your social media profile, consider professional portraits to upgrade and enhance your image to your networks.  Autumn is a great time of year to capture these images, so let me know if you are interested.
Enjoy the long weekend!