Engaging Charlotte NC Family Photographer| National Tell-A-Story Day

Engaging Charlotte NC Family Photographer| National Tell-A-Story Day
Today is National Tell-A-Story Day and I thought this photograph of a Mom and her little man sharing a story was the perfect image to share today. Isn’t amazing what happens when we open a book to read to our children? All Mom had to do was open this book to read to her son, and this sweet moment just happened. I love how he just cuddled into her arms ready to read with his Momma. It’s the simple, classic moments in life that are filled with memories. They bring us back to childhood and to our favorite places. Being a mom now, I love reading time with my kids and this photograph speaks to my heart as I remember all those nights with my own little munchkins snuggled into my arms and lap ready to read a good story together.
From National Day Calendar, it says “On National Tell A Story Day, it does not matter if the story is a short story or a long story, fiction or nonfiction, a tall tale or folklore. This is a day for them all. We encourage you to tell your stories and even share them on social media using #NationalTellAStoryDay.”
What a heartwarming image…and that little boy may just become a lifelong learner and avid reader thanks to Mom!
Thanks so much, Sarah!