20 Dec

Charlotte, NC Children’s Photographer | Tiny Tuesday – May Your Holiday Wishes Come True

Charlotte, NC Children’s Photographer | Tiny Tuesday – May Your Holiday Wishes Come True

Today’s Tiny Tuesday is perfect for this week.  I just love when children do something slightly unexpected.  When I was taking my niece’s photograph, there were a bunch of distractions from her siblings happening around her.  I wanted her to focus and be with me, so I asked her to close her eyes and relax for a minute.  Then I wanted to get her thinking about something that would make her smile, so I asked her to think about what she wanted for Christmas.  She immediately clasped her hands together, started dreaming of her Christmas wishes and you can almost hear her saying “I really, really, really hope I get . . . . . ”

The result was this sweet image of a child hoping that all her Christmas wishes come true.  And I love the lights in the background setting the mood. When I look at this image, I feel like I can see Christmas Eve and Christmas morning through this young lady’s eyes, and it looks like it’s going to be a wonderful day!

Charlotte, NC Children's Photographer holiday Christmas portraits

For all my clients, family, friends, and readers of my blog, I do hope all your holiday wishes come true.  And here is an early wish for a wonderful New Year in 2012 for you and your family.

17 Sep

CreativeLIVE, Tamara Lackey and Taking Care of Business

Have you ever imagined that you would someday own your own business? That you would be responsible for everything from marketing, finances, taxes, in addition to the actual product or service you were selling? To be honest, I never thought that was me. I wasn’t an entrepreneur or manager. And while I absolutely loved photography and would dream of being a photographer, I never thought about the business side of photography.

At least, I had not thought about it much until this past year. Somehow during my husband’s unemployment and my maternity leave over two years ago, my dream of being a photographer turned into an actual pursuit. Something happened around that time that kept moving me closer and closer to following my dream and making it reality. I knew it would take time, but even as I began the steps to officially form my business, the dream still seemed so far away. But just 1 ½ years after officially submitting the paperwork, I walked away from my full-time job ready to be a full-time family photographer. And now I am in the midst of learning what owning your own business is really all about.

I’ve made great strides in this time, but I’ve also made mistakes, and I just know that this business could consume me if I don’t get everything organized. So, when CreativeLIVE and Tamara Lackey announced the September class for Taking Care of Business – I blocked my calendar. After submitting a video for last year’s class, I knew I would re-submit and try again this year, and even if I wasn’t accepted – I knew I would be watching and glued to my seat. And as it turns out, I was “glued” to my seat on the couch of the CreativeLIVE studio set in Seattle with a microphone attached to my shirt.

To start off, if you haven’t heard of CreativeLIVE, they are a live classroom offering free online classes and workshops in photography, video, web and graphic design, app development and a wide array of other creative topics. And if you can’t participate or watch during the live recording, you can purchase the videos to watch in your own time, and these can be incredibly valuable. But even more valuable, is the invitation to become a part of their live audience. For many of the workshops, they’ll bring in just 6 photographers to be there in person. You pay your own way, but the workshop and content is free. And being there live is an incredible experience. It’s educational, networking and fun all rolled into one.

From the moment we started our course, Tamara Lackey informed us that we were going to “bring hotness to business”.  If you have ever met or seen Tamara speak, you know that her energy, enthusiasm and general sweetness is completely disarming. Somehow I was mostly able to forget that we had about 3 or 4 video cameras recording every whisper, movement, giggle or sniffle.

So, what did I take away?

  • – I can’t do it all, and shouldn’t keep trying.  I’m already working on the list of what I can assign to another person, and what makes sense to keep as my tasks.
  • – Single-tasking – Getting the same things done at one time can help you be more efficient and maximize your time.  Close all other windows and just focus on one task at a time until complete. Blog writing days will now be on Fridays.
  • – Know who I am – succinctly. And what am I drawn to? For me, these were answered with just a few words – Family, Warmth, Giggles, Closeness, Hugs, and Sunshine. This is me. This is what I love. This is what I’m drawn to time and time again. I was happy during this section, as I do feel that brand is beginning to carry all of those sentiments.
  • – Just start and just start somewhere. This alone has inspired me this week. Some tasks have been on my list for a while, but things are starting to roll as I head into my busy Fall season.
  • – Shoot what you love. Do what you love. Doing something for yourself always leads to something bigger.  (Interview with Matthew Jordan Smith)
  • – Rekanize that energy is contagious! 🙂 Bring positive and happy energy into everything you do, and make sure to take time to recharge and rejuvenate to keep your energy high.
  • – Change your mindset, change experiences in your life, and this will change your outcome.
  • – Be easy to do business with – in so many ways.  At my previous company, this was one of our core values, and it translates so well to any business.

I have a notebook full of specific business tips to focus on in the upcoming months, and things are already moving forward.

I want to personally thank CreativeLIVE for everything they do. They put so much of themselves into these classes, and the energy and excitement from everyone I met is really contagious.

As for Tamara Lackey, she should be the star of the new movie “How Does She Do It?” (I say that strictly based on the title, as I haven’t seen it yet).  I have seen Tamara speak 5 times in just about 1 year, which is not something I would typically recommend, but her content is always new and fresh and I just continue to learn and learn and learn from all of her knowledge and experience. And amazingly, she just continues to share more incredible information. She is an extremely positive person and I’m lucky just to have been given the chance to get to know her. After just one conversation with her, you might just walk away feeling better about yourself, because she’s that positive, that energetic and that amazing. Thank you to Tamara Lackey for everything you continue to do for this industry.

For my incredible colleagues in the live audience – Jesse, Donovan, Kellianna, Erika and Courtney – you guys were amazing. Thank you for sharing your experiences with me and everyone else watching around the world. Thank you for helping to make me laugh, and for listening to me when I was stressed. You are all so very talented and it was a privilege to be there with you for the two days in Seattle. I look forward to keeping in touch with all of you and hearing about your careers as you each grow your businesses. I have no doubt that you will all succeed, and I look forward to sharing things we have learned and continue to learn as we grow.

Marvin, NC Family Photographer as a guest of CreativeLIVE in September 2011


07 Sep

New Blog & CreativeLIVE!

Some big items this week including my brand new WordPress Blog.  Most of the posts have been moved over from my previous blog site, and please bear with me as I continue to update the images and add them into the blog posts as well.  I hope you continue to follow my posts here, and welcome feedback and comments.   I’d like to thank the amazing Leslie Vega from Leslie Vega Designs for the beautiful blog header.  Leslie designed my logo earlier this year, and she is incredibly easy to do business with that I just had to go back for my blog header.  She is so good, that without any instructions other than “I need a blog header that works well with my site and colors”, she designed this one in one try.

Next up on the list is my trip to Seattle this week to participate in Tamara Lackey’s Business Workshop for photographers on CreativeLIVE. This is an incredible opportunity, and I will be one of just six photographers participating in the live audience.  I can’t wait to meet the rest of the participants, as well as the amazing CreativeLIVE team.  CreativeLIVE has organized a multitude of amazing workshops for photographers in an online setting that is both affordable and valuable for this industry. I have learned so much in the last year thanks to their workshops, and can’t believe I get to join them in Seattle for Tamara Lackey’s class. I can’t wait to get started on Friday morning.

For photographers, if you are interested in watching, the workshop will be available during the times below at www.creativelive.com/live.  If you watch it live, it is free.  But I also highly recommend purchasing the recordings to watch it multiple times.  We will be live during the following times:

9 AM to 4 PM — California (PST)
Noon to 7 PM — New York (EST)
5 PM to Midnight — London (GMT)
1 AM to 8 AM Saturday — Tokyo (GMT +9)

For more information, please visit their web site at www.creativelive.com/courses/taking-care-business-tamara-lackey.

Wish my luck and I’ll see you on the internet!  Time to finish packing.

26 Jul

Joyous Charlotte NC Family Portraits | One Reason I Love My Job

Joyous Charlotte NC Family Portraits | One Reason I Love My Job

Last week, I had the opportunity to hang a family portrait on the wall of someone very special to me.  As you might expect, I’ve photographed my older sister’s family almost as much as my own.  She has four beautiful daughters that are full of spirit and energy. And while I have many beautiful images of them, this one has become one of my all-time favorite photographs.  They are a family that is always on the go, and always having fun together, and this image just captures who they are as a family.

Joyous Charlotte NC Family Portraits by photographer Carolyn Ann Ryan

18 Jul

Enchanting Waxhaw, NC Child Portrait Session | Somewhere in a historic village . . .

Enchanting Waxhaw, NC Child Portrait Session | Somewhere in a historic village . . .

My little girl will soon be one year older, and we are starting to plan her 6th birthday party, which will take place just a few days before she begins first grade.  Earlier this year in her Kindergarten class, her teacher read the book “The Wizard of Oz” to the class, and my little munchkin (which has been my nickname for her for years) absolutely loved the story. Although she is still too timid to watch the movie, she loves the story of Dorothy.

So, she picked “The Wizard of Oz” as the theme for her birthday party.  For the last few years we have included her birthday portraits on her invitations, because I love being able to look back each year to see how much she has grown.  This year we decided to include the theme of her party as part of a very special portrait session for her.

Believe me, being a photographer does not make it easier to take my own children’s portraits.  It’s sometimes harder, because I’m not a new or interesting person to them and they already know all my secret, special tricks for making children giggle and smile.

But this year, I made her birthday portraits a full day event complete with costume, hair appointment, red sparkly shoes and a stuffed animal puppy in a basket. We talked about this special session for two full weeks, and I blocked off my calendar to create a special day for just the two of us.
My little girl was completely swept up in the magic of this day from the moment she woke up that morning, and came rushing into my room with eager anticipation. We started early at Anthony Michael Hair Salon in Westfield, where the wonderful Pam Sestito created the braids that would start my little girl’s transformation. We then journeyed about 45 minutes away to Historic Richmondtown in Staten Island to give our session a complete period look with historic homes, barns, fences, and gardens.

Of course, twenty minutes into the actual portrait session, the heat of the day and the itchiness of her costume was causing her to pout, so that’s when I used my bribery plan and explained that if she cooperated for the remainder of the session, then we would get ice cream afterwards. I’ll let you guess which image below shows her reaction to that announcement.

Sometimes portrait sessions might seem stressful and frustrating, because we are trying to get our children to cooperate and do something for us.  But, I’ve learned that by turning a portrait session into a fun day that is all about the children, and becomes something they WANT to do, then it becomes much easier to get their cooperation during the session.  And if you choose to use bribery, don’t tell them about the rewards until you really need to use it.  The pictures are worth it!

My daughter and I had a wonderful day complete with ice cream for lunch (something I would never do on a regular day), and we have these beautiful images of our little girl growing up. I love my job and I love being a Mom to this wonderful child. Thanks to my little munchkin for all her cooperation, and her beautiful smile.

(Now I have to brainstorm a special day with my little boy!)

Enchanting Waxhaw, NC Child Portrait Session

Costume: Chasing Fireflies

Hair: Anthony Michael Salon (Westfield)