28 May

North Carolina Child Photographer | Tiny Tuesday – Bubbles

North Carolina Child Photographer

I love the magic hour just before sunset when the sun is low and just sparkles on everything.  It can make something as simple as bubbles look like fireflies dancing in the sky.

This portrait of my daughter was taken just this weekend at a friend’s Memorial Day BBQ.  The sound of children filled with the air with laughter, giggles and yes, the occasional screech, scream, and squeal (often coming from my own children).  But it was a gorgeous day to be with friends, and the children just loved a great day to play outdoors while the parents enjoyed good food and good company.

Even my 7 year old couldn’t resist a chance to play with bubbles, and I just fell in love with this photograph of her. She looks mesmerized by the bubbles, or maybe she is enchanted by her own reflection in my lens.  Either way, the light was beautiful and this is my Tiny Tuesday favorite photograph.


Marvin, North Carolina Child Photographer captures girl blowing bubbles at sunset