Charlotte, NC | Guest Blog: What My Family Portraits Mean To Me One Year Later – A Mom’s Review
Last night, I received the most amazing email from a client (and good friend) about the portrait session we did for her family last year when her youngest son was born. She wrote a detailed note describing what the portraits from her session have meant to her over this past year. I was in tears at the end of her note. My goal as a photographer isn’t just to make you smile during your session, but to make you smile nearly everyday after just by glancing at the photos that hang in your home. I know this feeling for myself, and I always aim to provide images to my clients that will make them feel the same way.
There is nothing better than knowing that your wishes and goals for what you hope to provide to your clients have come true. Here is a note from Jen:
“I walked past my sons’ playroom and I smiled today. A year ago, my dear friend, Carolyn, came over to take pictures of our family with our newest addition. A few of the most meaningful images now hang in my playroom in a canvas cluster.
What strikes me now is not how much those pictures remind me of the past, but the reminder of all the moments that have taken place between then and now. So much has changed, but those pictures also reveal pieces of my kids’ personality that are still true now.

This beautiful boy has always had a “thing” with his pointer fingers. He points at things before he clutches them in his little hands. At 13 months, he points at every piece of cereal before he eats it. This picture reminds me that characteristic was a part of him even when his age was only measured in days.
My older son lost his first tooth 2 months before this picture was taken (on Thanksgiving). I love that I’m reminded of that milestone when I look at this picture.
He lost his first top tooth a year after this picture was taken, and I have to say I’m grateful to have some great shots of him before his smile was changed forever.
But even more than the precious milestones and memories, there are new moments created by these photos. My older son glanced up at the photo below and said, “Mommy is that your hand holding Owen’s?” And I said, “No, honey. That’s your hand holding your brother’s.”
I explained to him that they would always have each other. It was probably the first time they held hands, but metaphorically it’s just the beginning. To a stranger, it’s just two hands, but to me it’s the early moments of a lifetime bond.
This art is more meaningful to me than anything an artist could paint. These photos make me smile everyday, and no matter how busy things get they remind me of what’s really important.
Thank you, Carolyn, for lending me your talent and your vision! Your work means so much to so many people!”
I absolutely loved reading Jen’s note, and it completely warmed my heart. As she notes, life is busy. I simply hope to provide images that will make you stop for a moment and remember. I’m so thrilled that I could give that to Jen.
Thanks for reading!