27 Apr

Engaging Charlotte NC Family Photographer| National Tell-A-Story Day

Engaging Charlotte NC Family Photographer| National Tell-A-Story Day

Today is National Tell-A-Story Day and I thought this photograph of a Mom and her little man sharing a story was the perfect image to share today.  Isn’t amazing what happens when we open a book to read to our children? All Mom had to do was open this book to read to her son, and this sweet moment just happened.  I love how he just cuddled into her arms ready to read with his Momma.  It’s the simple, classic moments in life that are filled with memories.  They bring us back to childhood and to our favorite places.  Being a mom now, I love reading time with my kids and this photograph speaks to my heart as I remember all those nights with my own little munchkins snuggled into my arms and lap ready to read a good story together.

From National Day Calendar, it says “On National Tell A Story Day, it does not matter if the story is a short story or a long story, fiction or nonfiction, a tall tale or folklore. This is a day for them all.  We encourage you to tell your stories and even share them on social media using #NationalTellAStoryDay.”

Engaging Charlotte NC Family Photographer for National Tell A Story Day

21 Jan

Charlotte, NC Family Photographer receives International Awards at WPPI Competition

Charlotte, NC | Award Winning Family and Pet Portraits

I am beyond thrilled to announce that Carolyn Ann Ryan Photography recently earned four Silver Awards in the Wedding and Portrait Photographers International (WPPI) Second Half 2015 Image Competition . Each year, I submit a handful of my favorite images to the top Image Competitions in order to have my work reviewed and critiqued by some of the most talented photographers in the industry. And I’m not alone in this effort as thousands of entries are submitted by photographers around the globe and every entry is critiqued and scored by the panel of judges.

I’m ecstatic to have multiple images recognized by the judges, and with these awards I have earned the title ‘Associate of WPPI‘.  All of the images below were created during portrait sessions with my clients, and I am truly honored and grateful to have had the opportunity to create each of these images.  Whether photographing an adorable family of six or a family’s new puppy, I have truly loved being a part of each of these moments.


Charlotte NC Award Winning Family Photographer wins silver award from WPPI

Together is All We Need


Charlotte NC Family Portrait Photographer Award Winning Cat Photograph earns silver award from WPPI

Lost in a Sea of Green


Charlotte NC Family Photographer Award Winning Mother and Son portrait wins silver award from WPPI

Sharing Secrets


Charlotte NC Family Portrait Photographer Award Winning Pet Portraits wins silver award for puppy photograph titled Wanna Take Me Home

Wanna Take Me Home?


28 Oct

Charlotte NC Family Portraits | Focus on the Moments

Charlotte NC Family Portraits | Focus on the Moments

One of my favorite wedding photographers is constantly reminding photographers that photographing a wedding isn’t about capturing and documenting the shoes, rings and table cards, but it’s about capturing the moments of the day.  I think the same can be true in family portraits.  It isn’t about photographing a styled session and showing photographs of children holding berries or pinecones (while I will admit these can be beautiful images and wonderful accents to a gallery), but it’s about documenting a family together for an afternoon.  It’s about the squeezes and hugs, the way they look at each other, the giggles and laughs, and the stolen moments of pure adorableness.  And it’s about remembering the couple of hours they spent together just enjoying each other’s company and being happy.  But sometimes, my favorite part of these sessions is remembering the moments that triggered that perfect giggle or smile and what might have been happening behind the scenes to create those seemingly perfect moments.  If the viewer of the photographs only knew how we did it.  Because yes, maybe the giggles were generated by the tiniest family member singing a song about poops while the family walked together holding hands.  As you can imagine, that might just cause the rest of the family to crack up with real, genuine laughter and for me – it becomes the perfect moment.   I just love those moments.  They are my favorite.


Charlotte, NC Photographer, Carolyn Ann Ryan, photographs family portrait session in Spring Charlotte NC Family Photographer takes photographs of Moms and Dads with their children Charlotte NC Child and Family Photographer Carolyn Ann Ryan creates beautiful family portraits

16 Oct

Charlotte, NC Family Photographer | Beauty Multiplied

Charlotte, NC Family Photographer | Beauty Multiplied

I really have a special place in my heart for families that have four girls.  While I also love families with 1, 2, 3, 5 or more girls, there is just something about the magic number 4.  Maybe, it’s because my only sister has four beautiful daughters and my nieces are some of the most awesome kids I know.  There is something so amazing about their sisterhood and friendships – words can’t even describe it.  It is so evident in the way they support each other in everything they do.  And well, my sister is the equivalent of a superhero in my eyes.  I absolutely have no idea how she does all that she does, and in the midst of what could be chaos for some, has created an incredibly loving and crazily fun home and family.

And so, I have a crazy amount of respect and love for parents with four daughters, and I have so much spending time with their families and seeing the family dynamics.  This family was no exception, and I saw the same crazily awesome feeling of sisterhood existing in this four beautiful girls, and it was such a pleasure to spend an afternoon with them.  But I think all in the family would agree, that the littlest munchkin absolutely STOLE.THE.SHOW!  We just couldn’t stop giggling at the amazing and sometimes hilarious expressions she provided.  It became evident that she just didn’t love sitting in the grass, especially as she would hold her legs up in the air while Dad was trying to sit her down.  And then, she just kept us smiling throughout the day.  These images not only gave us beautiful photographs for wall portraits and holiday cards, but we were also able to create the most perfect Thank You card for the littlest first birthday party!

I hope these make you smile today!

Family Photographer in Charlotte NC photographs four daughters Charlotte NC Family Portrait Photographer creates beautiful portraits in the summer Charlotte NC Photographer Carolyn Ann Ryan photographs one year old during family portrait session

12 Oct

Charlotte, NC Family Photographer | Even when they are not so little . . .

As a family photographer, I truly believe there is never a bad time for family portraits. It doesn’t matter the age of your children, younger or older, it’s always a great time to update your photographs.  Children deserve to have tons of beautiful images and photographs with their parents that they will keep and treasure years into the future.  When children are teenagers, it’s awesome to remind them of the importance of family and the closeness they share with their family members.  As children get older, they often start to realize that their parents are their best friends and their biggest fans and champions.  These relationships are so fun to capture in images for both parents and children. During this particular session,  I especially loved showing these  beautiful girls just how stunning they really are, and my favorite photographs from the day were the ones we created  of the sisters together.  Their incredibly close friendship just shines right through in these photographs.  Through thick or thin, these sisters will forever be each other’s best friend.


Charlotte NC Family Photographer photographs teenagers and parents

North Carolina Family Photographer, Carolyn Ann Ryan, photographs clients on location in a historic village. Charlotte North Carolina Family Photographer creates beautiful images of sisters


17 Jul

Playful Charlotte, NC Family Portraits | Ready, Set, Leaves!

Playful Charlotte, NC Family Portraits | Ready, Set, Leaves!

I just love how the fall season creates a beautiful backdrop for a family portrait session. It’s the combination of colors, lighting and cool breeze that make it my favorite time of year, and this session highlighted everything I love about the season.  Mother Nature provided all the fun we needed.

While I am so excited that the summer is here and we get to have great beach days, lots of ice cream cones and have the kids stay up way past bedtimes, images like these remind me that just around the corner is my favorite time of year.  After the hot and humid weather disappears, there is still so much more fun and excitement to look forward to and so many fun sessions on the way!  And now is a great time to think about booking that Fall family session!

Playful Charlotte, NC Family Portraits in Autumn Carolyn Ann Ryan photographs Playful Charlotte, NC Family Portraits Charlotte, NC Family Photographer Carolyn Ann Ryan photographs playful and fun family portrait sessions

13 Dec

Charlotte Photographer shares The BEST Christmas gift idea ever for your wife!

Charlotte Photographer shares The BEST Christmas gift idea ever for your wife!

Dads & Husbands of all generations,

When it comes to Christmas shopping for your wife:

  1. Are you still trying to think of that amazing gift for your wife for Christmas?
  2. Do you want to give her a gift that will surprise and delight her?
  3. Do you want a gift that will show her what an amazing woman and mother she is for your family?
  4. Do you want something that will make her smile nearly everyday for the entire year and many years to follow?

Then look no further, I have the answer for you.
What does a mother love more than anything – more than jewelry, vacations, food or even more than coffee?  The answer – her family! So give her the gift of family by giving her a gift certificate for a family portrait session so that together we can create absolutely beautiful images of your family spending time together.

Still not convinced?
I know what you might be thinking.  Are you envisioning a torturous family session where you are desperately trying to get your kids to smile? Why would you sign up for that? But that’s where I come in and make that part of the process as painless as possible. With years of experience, I have the secrets to successful and painless family portrait sessions, and we’ll discuss everything to help you and your wife prepare for the day during our pre-session consultation call.  When you arrive at the session, the goal is simply to have fun while spending time with the ones you love the most.

What comes with your gift certificate?

  • a beautifully wrapped gift certificate all ready to present on Christmas morning
  • a $100 print credit to use towards your print order (special offer valid now through December 23rd)
  • on the day after Christmas, your wife will receive an email with our online booking calendar to select her session date
  • your session fee will be booked with the 2013 session rate (session fees will be going up in 2014)

How do I get one and finish my Christmas shopping TODAY?
Call me at 908-889-5416 and you enjoy the rest of season stress free!

Charlotte Photographers shares the BEST Christmas Gift Idea ever from Carolyn Ann Ryan Photography

12 Dec

Stylish Uptown Charlotte Family Photographs| Big Sis

Stylish Uptown Charlotte Family Photographs| Big Sis

Having an older sister is a gift – she’s a friend, a partner in crime, a teacher and sometimes a second mom.  This big sister is not only a confident young lady but she has a fun, silly side which allows her to be that quintessential big sister.  This younger brother is so lucky to have her to look up to and one day their roles will reverse and he’ll return the favor.  Siblings, what a gift!


Stylish Uptown Charlotte Family Photographs shares sibling portraits
Uptown Charlotte Family Photographer shares stylish family portraits

Stylish Charlotte family portrait uptown city portraits




28 Nov

Dreamy Waxhaw, NC Family Portraits | Give Thanks!

Dreamy Waxhaw, NC Family Portraits | Give Thanks!

Thanksgiving is about eating, laughing and most importantly spending time with your loved ones.  It’s a time to GIVE THANKS for all that we have.  Life is busy and sometimes we forget our greatest treasures are the people right in front of us.  During this session, this beautiful family of four took the time to celebrate their family and give thanks for each other.

Today, I’m so thankful for my amazing family and friends that support me, even through the busiest of seasons, and also thankful for every moment that I get to spend doing something I love.  Thank you to my husband, children, parents, sister, sister-in-law, my entire family and all of my friends and clients!

Wishing everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving and safe travels to be with the ones you love!

Dreamy Waxhaw, NC Family Portraits by Carolyn Ann Ryan with Thanksgiving Theme Waxhaw NC Child and Family Photographer Carolyn Ann Ryan Wahxaw NC Family Photographer Carolyn Ann Ryan shares dreamy family portraits

13 Nov

Delightful Waxhaw, NC Family Photography | Feet

Delightful Waxhaw, NC Family Photography | Feet

Feet are funny! In those first few years they are so adorable and cute.  I love how babies and toddlers are always fascinated by their feet but what makes me smile about these twins is how he seems more interested in his sister’s feet than his own!  It was just instinct for him to grab his sister’s foot as soon as she kicked it forward.  It speaks to the connection between them, and I really I hope that connection simply grows, as they grow up together.


Delightful Waxhaw, NC Family Photography | Feet Delightful Waxhaw, NC Family Photography Twins First Birthday Portraits Delightful Waxhaw, NC Family Photography Twins First Birthday Portrait Session

07 Nov

Vintage Charlotte, North Carolina Extended Family Portrait Session | Props!

Vintage Charlotte, North Carolina Extended Family Portrait Session | Props!

This vintage Charlotte, North Carolina extended family session is special for two reasons.  First, I love when extended families get together and share the love and second, I absolutely love and appreciate when they bring props!!!  Working with props is always fun, it not only helps me understand their personality but it just brings a great energy to the session.  These hats are the perfect example!  The kids had such a great time and their own creativity just shined through as well.  One of my favorite images is the tango, and it’s even better because it was THEIR idea!!!  I love when the kids join in and help plan the photographs, because then their smiles are just that much bigger in the images!


Vintage Charlotte, North Carolina Extended Family Portrait Session Extended Family Portraits by North Carolina Family Photographer Carolyn Ann Ryan

05 Nov

Sweet Marvin, NC Family Photography | Fall Memories

Sweet Marvin, NC Family Photography | Fall Memories

Toddlers are special little people, they notice everything and are so easily amused by the littlest things.  I love how the fall background enhances the warmth and love of this young family.  This session reminds me of when my kids were toddlers, they were very much like this sweet girl and had to examine each and every leaf!   We, too, would spend warm fall days taking long walks and creating special family memories.


Sweet Marvin, NC Family Photography Sweet Marvin, NC Family Photography with Autumn Family Portraits by Carolyn Ann Ryan Sweet Marvin, NC Family Photographs by North Carolina Photographer Carolyn Ann Ryan


31 Oct

Engaging Charlotte, NC Family Photographer | Happy Halloween!

Engaging Charlotte, NC Family Photographer | Happy Halloween

Halloween is a time to together with your friends, dress up in costumes and get as much candy as you possibly can.  Today the costumes are more elaborate and creative as ever, gone are days of clowns and witches – now you have kids dressed up as a bowl of spaghetti or a bag of groceries.  But the one costume that has always been popular and will probably always be popular are your superheroes!  Spiderman, Batman, and Superman – I think every boy dreams of having those super powers and there’s no better time to fulfill that dream than Halloween!

Engaging Charlotte, NC Family Photographer

18 Oct

Charlotte, NC Newborn and Family Photographer | Peace

Charlotte, NC Newborn and Family Photographer

There’s nothing like a photograph of a newborn baby.  This young family gave me  the privilege of photographing their sweet baby girl.  What struck me about her was her expression, it is so peaceful and angelic.  I can already see her personality shining through.  I predict she will be a calm, laid back, happy child – one who will just go with the flow.  As a photographer, what more can you ask for?


Newborn Photography, Charlotte, NC Charlotte Newborn Portrait Session by Carolyn Ann Ryan Charlotte NC Newborn Portrait Session

14 Oct

Charlotte Metro Area, NC Family Photographer | A New Family

Charlotte Metro Area, NC Family Photographer | A New Family

It’s true, when a child enters your life, everything changes!  Sure there are 3 a.m. feedings and countless diaper changes but it’s all worth it and these photos capture the essence of a young family.  I just love the tender moments they share together not only between the three of them but especially between mom and dad – you can feel the love and connection they share.  I think it’s so important to remember where all the love started and this young couple certainly took that time to focus on that too!


Charlotte Metro Area, NC Family Photographer Carolyn Ann Ryan Westfield NJ Baby Portrait Session Charlotte NC Couple Portraits by Carolyn Ann Ryan Charlotte Metro Area, NC Family Portraits